The International Association for Landscape Ecology promotes interdisciplinary research and the development of knowledge in landscape related fields (e.g. landscape architecture, natural sciences, geography and social sciences) and fosters communication between scientists and practitioners. IALE International was founded in 1982, has a president (currently K. Bruce Jones, US Geological Survey, Virginia, USA), a secretary general (currently Thomas C. Edwards, USA), and an executive committee that focuses on coordination among the various chapters. IALE also sponsors an international congress on landscape ecology every four years, and supports the well-known international journal, Landscape Ecology.
What is IALE-Sweden?
IALE International is structured such that countries establish their own chapters, hold their own meetings and organize activities that best meet the needs of their landscape ecological community. IALE Sweden is the Swedish Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. By joining IALE Sweden, you can become a member of IALE International.
Landscape Ecology
Landscape Ecology deals with spatio-temporal changes of the biological, physical and societal components of cultural and natural landscapes. Thus, it brings together numerous disciplines, such as landscape architecture, natural sciences, geography and social sciences. Landscape-ecological projects cover multi-faceted problems ranging from ecological risk assessment and biodiversity to socially accepted land-management strategies and public attitudes towards landscape changes.